

Sustainable growth of business requires you as the entrepreneur to always be looking for new leads. If you rely on only a small bunch of customers, it makes your business more vulnerable to decline or collapse just in case you lose one or a few of them. It is a common occurrence that sometimes business deals go soar and client – business relationships sometimes take the unpleasant route without one’s liking, which sometimes is beyond the owner’s control.

If you happen to lose a customer, the gap should be sealed as fast as possible. Even with aggressive cross marketing efforts and a good customer at base, you still need to dedicate some effort to find new clients. As a matter of fact, waiting until you lose the one or a few in your current client contacts can be a futile approach in business. In order to increase the sustainability of your business, avoid cash flow crises and grow your brand to the next level, you need to aggressively seek new clients, and here are some good tips you should practice:

  • Know Your Target Market and use your existing clients

Start by asking yourself, what kind of new clients you need, and come up with a contact profile of prospective customers. Consider what they might be lacking, or needing in particular, and figure out a way to deliver. Incentives, offers, and discounts may also be used on your existing clients to get references and ensure that they market your business for you. If they are impressed and satisfied, they definitely will spread the word.


  • Set Up Clear Goals

Each and every business operation requires a pace setter and motivate. Start by asking yourself, what you’ll be achieving from the new clients you find. In order to have an effective way of tracking progress in future, you need to have some goals and targets with a defined timeline within which they should be achieved and an effective strategy to be used. You can say you need 5 new clients by the end of the month, which will translate into an increase in profit margin by about 15%. However, targets should be realistic, otherwise, they’ll be demoralizing in case very little is achieved by the end of the defined timeline.

  • Networking! Networking! Networking!

Did I talk about networking? Your business requires meeting not only new people, but a network of important people as well. There are numerous events and business communities you can get yourself involved in within your local area, which can be key to showcase your business. if you get an event with the right exposure, go out there and request a chance to speak in as many as you can. Sell your brand in such forums. Additionally, you just can’t afford to lose out on the numerous business leads in online networking platforms. Create a stunning profile on each of the social media platforms and blogs where most of your target clients are and be sure to join conversations pertaining to your area of specialization. Get your Twitter account set up like Rhode Island SEO and post it on your other social profiles. You will be shocked how many new clients you can get within a short time period if networking is done right, through the right approaches and channels. You can even hire a social media manager or SEO agency for the online part of it if don’t have much time at your disposal.

  • Take Your Business Online

This should actually have been the first item on the list. If you are not yet selling your products and services online, then you are in for a heavy battle with your competition. This age and day requires online presence for many reasons; today’s products and services customer is a person looking for convenience, efficiency, and ease of getting information. Consider looking for an expert website designer and take your shop online and clients will come to you instead of you going to them. Consider investing in cost friendlier ways of advertising online, such as PPC advertising, social media campaigns and the like. Get an SEO company on your side and get your Facebook fan page set up like the Rhode Island SEO Facebook page, for example. Be sure to be creative, and offer to your target market, what your competitor is not.

  • Do Some Business Image Remodeling

If you have a website through which you promote your business products and services online, time comes to also analyze and find out which of your online marketing strategies are working and which ones are not. For those that are working, such as SEO, consider investing more on them, and substitute or modify the ones that are not. You could also decide to revamp your website graphics design to make it more attractive and productive. Anything is possible here as far as freshening up your business image to find new clients. At times it might take changing your business name or logo, depending on the specific circumstances.



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